Thursday, July 22, 2010


1) Find five YouTube videos about Arduino-based robots. Insert the link with a picture into your blog and write a comment about what sensors were used, how was movement achieved and whether there was anything in the robot design that you would use.
2) Take one of the videos above and present it and a three slide PowerPoint to tell the rest of the class about your views on this robot.
3) Same as number 1 but this time write up five non-Arduino robots. Present one of them in class.
4) Check out some Lego robot videos. Paste 5 YouTubes with some comments and be prepared to share your findings with the class.
5) Prepare some simple lessons for a person who is new to Lego robots. There should be at least 6 things to do, starting with some simple programs. Write up your lessons on your blog and be prepared to try them out on another member of class.

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