Some catch-up work has to be done on some topics set last term. There are some presentations required on some Lego NXT more advanced topics. It is proposed this will be done by different people presenting different parts of Lego extensions. This increases our class knowledge base. Some topics will be introduced in class.
The final test will be on 18 November. It will cover several topics including actuators, history and industrial robots. Most of your marks will come from project work.
Presentations of your major projects will be required. About 10 minutes with some surrounding material in a PowerPoint and a demonstration. Questions from the class will be included. These presentations can start as soon as you get finished though the main slot assigned is for 4, 5 November.
On 11, 12 November we have to present some simple lessons to a Youth Guarantee class. These will be the lessons you have already prepared and received credit for.
We have to share our NXT robots with other classes. This means you my have to spend some time setting up. For this reason much of the final 5 weeks will be given over to time to do practical work.